Text File | 1989-08-12 | 1019 b | 47 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000)
After all these exciting programs and informative articles, you obviously want more. You want games, educational software, puzzles, and other useful software every month. You are in for a treat...Softdisk G-S is published monthly. A new issue with new programs and articles--every month!
"Sure," you say, "it WOULD be nice, but it probably costs $30 to $100 like all the other software I buy."
Not so!
You can have the latest issue of Softdisk G-S mailed directly to you, postage paid, for as little as $7.49 per issue when you subscribe!
The subscription rates are:
3 months $29.95
6 months $49.95
12 months $89.95
Louisiana residents add 4% sales tax.
Canada and Mexico:
3 months $34.95
6 months $59.95
12 months $99.95
3 months $37.95
6 months $69.95
12 months $119.95
Payment must be made in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.